Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sharing Coupons!

Anyone have coupons they aren't using? Need Coupons? I was hoping to start up a coupon trade! I have tons that I definitely will not be using... (a lot of make-up, hair dye, medicines, some food, etc) I will make a list another time, but I just wanted to see who is interested! Please leave a comment if you are - THANKS!


  1. your whole blog is good ideas, but this is a GREAT idea. you could probably figure out a way to use a public (but only editable by you) Google Document spreadsheet to note what you have available in coupons; people could tell you what they have and/or what they want... you could "admin" the spreadsheet.

    great thinking!!!

  2. i will share, but I am really bad with coupons...i have them all though, weeks of them...still in the papers they came in.

  3. If you still have expired ones don't throw them away, I'm putting them all aside to send to the troops overseas, they can use expired coupons on base up to 6 months passed!
