Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So happy new year and all that...
When I started this thing I didn't think it would take much time to do, and now, as I look back, it really does! The past 2 1/2 months have been so hectic with holidays and whatnot. I actually cooked and made some delicious things, and then never put them on here :(
This started out as a great place (in theory) to keep all my recipes so I won't lose them and they would be organized - that is so not happening, and I feel like a failure!
Maybe its that I need a better way to organize my recipes... anyone know of any computer programs that you can buy that organize them for you? If not, someone should invent it! Something where you can plug it in and it will automatically file it for easy finding later... yea that'd be awesome THANKS!
On a different note, I made a New Years resolution! None of those typical ones, this one is just for me, this one may end up helping others out in the process! I am going to coupon... super-coupon... I am not going to give up this year... I am going to get the Sunday paper, EVERY Sunday! I am going to get the ALL YOU magazine too. I am going to sign up for everything I see that will send me free samples and coupons. I am going to succeed at this! This past Sunday I went to Walgreens and picked up the Chicago Tribune AND the Beacon News, to compare if you get the same coupon inserts - and you do despite the rumors that you get less in local papers - HOWEVER, the inserts are different! What the hey? how is this even possible?! The covers are the same. The amount the same. but the coupons inside... somewhat different! My most favorite coupon ($2.50 off electrasol - cause its only $4 at Target) was in one insert and not in the identical other insert! WTF! So now I don't know which paper to get... Anyway, back to how this can help others! In watching the super-couponing lady's website, www.jillcataldo.com, I've noticed lots of possibilities for buying stuff for little to no money, or getting money back even for buying stuff - BUT it's not always stuff I need or use... SOOOoooo family and friends: I am going to make a pile of coupons each week of ones I know there is NO way I'll ever use, and they are up for grabs. Also, the coupons I do keep, if i buy stuff and have way to much of something, or get something for free I'm not going to use, I'm offering it up to you all first. From what I understand, If I really put my mind to this, I could have soooo much stuff I won't know what to do with it so it might get donated to food pantries etc. But you guys get first dibs :D
So lets hope I can succeed at this! I already know I can "grocery" shop for a month on $150, lets see if I can keep it there and get more stuff for the money...
Although, I have to admit, I'm pretty excited about not having to shop on $150/mo. Not having to worry if I go over by $10, being able to shop weekly for produce/bread would be awesome! But I have to say, planning out my monthly menu, and shopping all at once for the month is really the way to save money, so I will continue to do that and then give myself a weekly budget for produce :D boy I'm excited! Can't you tell!
Alright alright - I'm done rambling for now, but hopefully I'll be back soon to tell you about my plans for my February shopping trip :)

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