Wednesday, June 24, 2009

MY taste

Just something I want to get off my chest.

There are things I like to eat, and things I do not like to eat. I don't appreciate when people tell me I would like something, when I simply know I would not. I try not to say I don't like something unless I've tried it. BUT if I don't like the ingredients (that I have tried before) in a recipe I'm pretty sure I won't like the dish, its that simple.

I've run into this a few times. I've been invited to peoples homes where they may serve something I don't like, and if I can avoid eating it I do, if I can't I choke it down... Its not their fault I don't like it! (and to anyone who may read this and be offended, this is from years ago not recently)

I like to give Mike a hard time because of the long list of things he will not eat. And I've tried to make him eat stuff I've made even though he doesn't like it because I hate waste or I just won't make something I like because I know he won't like it. But truthfully I have quite a long list of things I won't eat either (its just not as unusual as his list)

For example... I don't like mushrooms - its not the flavor, in most things that isn't my problem - its the texture. I cook with mushrooms to give things really good flavor, but then pick out the mushrooms because the feeling in my mouth makes me gag. Taste isn't as much my problem with things - texture and smell is what gets to me. Beans are one thing I have NEVER liked. From lima beans, kidney beans, refried beans to chick peas, and in any formation (ie, hummus). I've tried them all and just don't like them, I even specifically make chili, split it, and add beans to one half for Mike, and leave the other half plain for me. Its just how I am. An example of smells that make me sick - curry... I can smell it a mile away and it makes me gag. After living in an apartment and smelling that in the hallway for months, I just can't take the smell. Another thing... Cinnamon - Mike hates it, I love it in desserts, but I can't eat it in savory dishes, I've tried thinking I like it why wouldn't I like it in this - well I don't- It makes things taste weird to me :(

I am a bit of a super taster - I can taste the alcohol in things normal people can't. So there are things I don't eat, or surround my self with because I just don't enjoy it. period.

Just felt the need to get that out there so you all know I'm not just saying I don't like something - there is a reason behind it all.


  1. There is an at home test for being a super taster out there I read about once. I was going to test E since he's such a freak about food....

  2. what is this home test? please share :)
