Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I have neglected this thing... mostly because I haven't made anything really noteworthy. This month I have been recreating meals by cooking one big meal, and using the left-overs in new ways. It has been successful, however I have still had left-overs that ended up getting thrown away... Even when I try not to waste there is still waste :(

I did manage to remember to freeze the ham. There was soooo much. It was maybe an 8 lb ham, supposedly servings for 10, but I made 5 meals for the two of us, breakfast a couple days and still have half of what I started with!

I did make my Stuffed Shells... had to. The ricotta was about to pass its sell by date. This recipe makes enough for 3 meals. I'll post it soon. Hopefully.

I am having a Pampered Chef Cooking Show here in July, and am trying to save my pennies to go out for a nice anniversary "linner" So my July shopping will be limited. I have made my menu and list and think I can buy everything I need including miscellaneous stuff (Keira's stuff aside) for under $150 for the month! AND I'm only shopping at Jewel and Aldi (ok ok and probably Target too) - trying to save gas!!

Keira has begun solids. We have only tried rice cereal and carrots so far, but not bad for her only being 4 1/2 mos old. I will be picking up oatmeal for her, and trying out some jarred baby food to see what she likes before I go forward with my making of the baby food since I hate waste so much. I had carrots in the fridge and made that for her for the heck of it, since she's not a huge fan of the rice cereal. She doesn't seem to be much of a fan of carrots either, but she's getting the hang of eating. I'm thinking applesauce or sweet potatoes will be next.

Shopping aside, have I ever mentioned how much I love freecycle??! Cause I do, I really do. Not only have I gotten tons of unopened formula through freecycle. But DIAPERS! I love finding the post of someone who bought diapers in bulk and their baby grew out of them and have a ton left! YAY for me. I'm picking up almost 2 full packages of Huggies and Pampers Size 3 dipes tomorrow. Thank You Freecyclers!

OK I'll stop rambling - I will post my stuffed shells recipe soon, and my July menu/grocery list too. AND I made up my own pancake recipe after much pancake research, and they were freakin' delicious, so I'll post that recipe too.

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